A new client said that to me today. And it reinforced to me how important trust is in working with people. This client had recently taken over the management rights of a resort and very quickly identified that she needed a web site up to accept online bookings. She didn’t have a lot of computer […]
See the opportunities and take them
We started a “Client’s only” newsletter this week. I’m not real smart, but I soon figured out that we need a way to very quickly communicate with our clients, business partners and friends. We had the tool to fix it and the patch within hours. If we could have quickly communicated with our clients we […]
Using free publicity to save yourself thousands……and make yourself even more
As I sit down to write these messages, I tend to focus on what has happened during my day. And that’s fair enough. Whatever is top of mind is what I’m thinking of and what usually gets written about. Today we were trying to develop some marketing strategies for a client with a very limited […]
Use other people’s expertise, experience and strategies…without paying a cent
Down a couple of blogs I mentioned the new radio station that has hit the city in which I live. The strategy they are using, from programming to advertising to music, is interesting and is one which I recommend for many business. Do exactly what the industry leaders do. What they do works. So do […]
Speech to Tweed Valley Home Based Business Group
I’ve just come back to the office after a speech to the Tweed Valley Home Based Business Group and was asked some great questions. I talked extensively (that means I went on for too long – sorry Alison!) about web marketing, specifically search engine optimisation. A question asked was: “How do you know, as a […]
What a complete and utter load of crap
What a complete and utter load of crap – what really PISSES ME OFF about the crap written on making a web site profitable! I have three- (3) things to say here. And three- (3) things only. 1. I run a couple of web sites that make good money. So what you are about to […]
Don’t you just hate that!
I’ve recently finished my first book – it will be printed in a few weeks – and in the book I tried to talk about the difference between successful businesspeople and the not so successful ones. Apart from the usual “Successful people set goals” comment, my research didn’t find anything decent. Then today I came […]
Where’s my *@#%&^% parcel!
Yesterday, a customer of one of our web sites e-mailed us with this: “Where’s my %^#$^%** parcel. It’s been 4 days and I haven’t received it yet.” From our experience we know that the parcels take, at most, 10 days to arrive to the USA (where this guy was from). All through the web site […]
What to do at Easter time
Okay, here’s the deal. The Easter Bunny had duly delivered a bunch of chocolate eggs to our place late on Saturday. I found them just before midnight. Being the dutiful dad I spent 15 minutes hiding the eggs. Easter Bunny hopped away. But he wasn’t the only bunny in our house. Here’s what happened. I […]
How to reach a million people with a single e-mail
How to reach a million people with a single e-mail Sometimes you just have plain, dumb luck. Samantha, our General Manager, was surfing the web the other day and came across a major magazine’s web site (this is in Australia). This magazine has a readership of 1 million people. The site asked for potential story […]