The Tailored team had a massive win at the Gold Coast Airport Marathon with a brilliant strategy devised by the amazing Jo Clark that had athletes noticing, chuckling and engaging with our client’s brand.
fisiocrem is one of Australia’s leading muscle and joint pain relief creams and Jo came up with some beautifully cost effective ways to engage the runners and grow awareness of the brand.
First up came the #hurting sucks hashtag across social media channels.
Then a range of marketing collateral with that hashtag, including:
- balloons
- lollipops
- stickers
- t-shirts
The Marathon Expo centre was awash with fisiocrem balloons on the Friday and Saturday before the marathon (on Sunday).
The Icing On The Cake
Then came the icing on the cake.
Tailored developed 9 signs to be spread around the course at regular intervals – with 15,000 runners seeing them all.

With the #hurtingsucks line followed by an inspirational or cheeky saying, and the fisiocrem name, the signs grabbed everyone attention and connected whilst the runners were hurting!
So clever in fact that the media picked up on it and a few days later the campaign made headlines with “Clever Campaign A Marathon Winner”.

With very strong follow up with social media – with fisiocrem’s Facebook page being inundated with feedback – the campaign was a massive success for the brand.
Nice work and great brand recognition to 15,000 of the target market at the precise moment they have a need for the product!