The importance of grabbing your prospect’s attention immediately really cannot be understated.
We’re all bombarded with marketing messages everyday and it’s tough to break through the clutter. So no clowning around!
Media Buyers Survey – zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
I just bought a marketing magazine – as I was walking back to the office with it I came across an 8-page insert. I took a look – the only writing on the front page was “Media Buyers Survey”.
I tossed that in the bin.
You see, that insert had just 2 seconds to get my attention and interest. It did neither so was tossed.
How To Win A Holiday In Just 5 Minutes! Find Out How………
Maybe a better heading would have been “How to win a holiday in 5 minutes! Find out how…….”
It’s not perfect, but it’s a lot better than “Media Buyers Survey.” And it’s la lot better because it answers the one question the reader wants to know:
What’s in it for me?
Answer that question for your potential customers in all of your copywriting and your print ads, TV ads, radio ads, web sites and brochures will all be more successful.
It’s so true. When we do research the best incentive I’ve found especially for industry based areas is to give them a free copy of the report. Then the incentive is both from participation collaborative perspective as well as a physical research report that lands on their desk.