If you have a web site you probably have a search engine marketing strategy. That is, you target specific words on your web site so that your pages show up high in Google, MSN and Yahoo’s rankings.
For example, if I sell digital cameras I would want to come up # 1 when someone goes to Google and searches for “digital camera”.
Because about 2,500,000 searches are done each month for “digital camera” on Google.
Keyword Research Is The Key
So when you do your keyword research you’ll identify lots of keywords that people search on.
Let’s say you identify these 10 keywords for your camera store:
- digital camera
- camera digital camera
- canon digital camera
- sony digital camera
- nikon digital camera
- kodak digital camera
- light digital camera
- small digital camera
- underwater digital camera
- video digital camera
The you add some qualifiers
- best
- compare
- quality
- rating
- compact
- discount
- best value
- cheap
- smallest
- professional
Add 10 qualifiers to our main 10 keywords and all of a sudden we have 100 keywords.
- best digital camera
- best camera digital camera
- best canon digital camera
- best sony digital camera
- best nikon digital camera
- best kodak digital camera
- best light digital camera
- best small digital camera
- best underwater digital camera
- best video digital camera
Now that’s all well and good, but they’re different sort of keywords.
- Some keywords are more specific than others.
- Some keywords are more likely to result in a sale.
For instance, “digital camera” would definitely be a keyword worth developing a page around. After all, 2,500,000 searches per month is a lot!
But “compact digital camera” might not be worth developing a page for specifically (it gets 5,000 searches per month) BUT it would definitely be worth including in your list of keywords if you take Google AdWords – so then your ad shows up when someone searches for “compact digital camera”.
Keyword Research Must Be The Cornerstone Of Your Online Marketing Strategy
Keyword research must be the cornerstone of your online marketing strategy because it’s the aspect that has the potential to get well-qualified searchers to your web site.
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