We’ve had some major Public Relations wins over the years, including my favourite one ever with Hamish and Andy (weekly exposure for 3 months for a client) that also happened to be hilarious.
I’ve been doing media for over 20 years so kind of have a fair idea of getting publicity and the impact it can have.
So when we had a client featured on the Today Show (Steve Jacobs did the weather crosses from their luxury For Rent holiday homes), I knew the impact would be rather significant.
And it was.

Not much later, we had a story run about the same business on the NINEMSN travel web site on a Sunday afternoon.
Impact of that, amazingly enough, was equivalent to the TV coverage.
You don’t need to hit a home run every week
You see, it’s all about storytelling.
Stories get picked up and repeated. It’s how we communicate.
When you’re planning your Public Relations strategy, remember that consistency is the key. That small media release just might be the thing that generates you huge business.