Well, after five- (5) amazing years with us, it’s good riddance for Chloe Wallent, our wonderfully talented digital marketing expert.

I’m not being rude at all – you see, Chloe has departed sunny Queensland for the cold climes of Melbourne and is doing a degree at Melbourne Uni. So she’ll soon be officially smart!
And Chloe is now working for Good Riddance, one of Australia’s leading natural mosquito repellent makers and retailers.
Which just makes it funny when people ask “Where’s Chloe?” and we say “Good Riddance for her!”
Chloe has always had a really strong interest in essential oils and developing her own skin care product range. She has also been particularly good at developing content like this, where Chloe identifies the problems and offers solutions.
Thanks Chloe, for all the energy, talent and great work ethic you brought to the team. You’ll be missed.